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General Knee Injuries

 In general, knee injuries can occur, such as:

1. Ligament rupture is a condition where the connective tissue that connects the bones and muscles is broken, ligaments provide stability to the bones and muscles during movement.

2. Dislocation of the patella or kneecap to dislocation of the large knee joint (between the femur and the leg bone). Patellar fracture (cracked or broken kneecap).

3. Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa, the joint fluid that lines the bones to reduce pressure when they move.

The displaced kneecap can be caused by: Excessive pressure or impact on the knee, having a history of previous knee dislocation or accident that was not completely resolved, instability of the knee ligaments so that the bones of the knee are unstable causing a shift to occur, inflammation of the knee joint area, flexural heating is not done properly. appropriate.

This situation can be consulted with an orthopedic specialist or rehab medical specialist for direct examination of the knee, follow-up examinations such as knee X-rays to determine the state of the bone structure, further may require a CT scan or MRI of the knee to monitor the condition of the ligaments or please visit Treatments that can be given are NSAIDs or NSAIDs if necessary when severe pain is felt, corticosteroid injections of anti-inflammatory drugs in the joint area, physiotherapy to help stabilize and strengthen the knee components. Surgery is considered when there are strong indications such as a ligament tear or bone fracture.

What can be done if you experience knee pain during exercise are: Before exercising make sure to warm up with the right technique. If you experience knee or other joint pain, immediately stop exercising, compress the affected area with cold water, use topical pain medication while lightly massaging, Avoid massaging tightly if you are not experienced or trained because it is feared that it will increase the potential for breaking ligaments or fractures/fractures. do a bandage with an elastic bandage on the injured area, rest completely and avoid exercising for at least the next 1-2 months until the doctor allows you when the condition is stable. Consumption of initial pain medication can be with Paracetamol as recommended for use.


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