What you eat will affect your health, including the health of the female sex organs or vagina. Some foods rich in probiotics and antioxidants, such as sweet potatoes, are claimed to improve vaginal health. Apart from that, there are also some foods that are not able to maintain the balance of bacteria in the vagina. Among others:
1. Sugar
It's no secret, excessive sugar intake can have a negative impact on health, including for the female sex organs. Sugar can promote fungal growth. The reason is, the vagina releases secretions containing sugar, which opens the way for fungi to accumulate in moist areas. In addition, sugar has also been found to alter the acidity of the female sex organs. High pH levels can encourage more mould and bad bacteria growth.
2. Processed food
Processed foods such as popcorn, smoked meats, dairy products, and many more can affect the immune system. The immune system that is suppressed by various ingredients in processed foods can trigger the development of bacteria to fill the area of the intimate organs.
3. Dairy products
Products of animal origin, such as milk, that have been infused with growth hormones such as xenoestrogens can be harmful to the vagina. These compounds are generally made artificially to mimic the characteristics of hormones. These conditions can generally interfere with endocrine function and the pathway of estrogen to the vagina, making it susceptible to infection.
4. Alcohol
Excessive alcohol intake can dehydrate the body. Like the body, the vagina will also become dehydrated if you consume too many alcoholic beverages.
5. High-fat and oily foods
Fast food, such as burgers and fries, can worsen vaginal health. Gynaecologist Vandana Sheth says high fat, especially in fried foods, can affect the balance of bacteria in the vagina. High fat also increases the risk of bacterial vaginosis. The last name is a bacterial infection that can cause a foul odour and discomfort in the female sex organs.
6. White bread
Vaginal health could be another reason for you to reduce your intake of white bread and switch to whole grain bread. Refined carbohydrates can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar. Spikes in blood sugar can increase the risk of bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.
7. Asparagus
Consumption of asparagus can do more than just make urine smell bad. Asparagus can also affect the acidity of the vagina, making it more susceptible to infection.
8. Grilled meat
Steak is high in saturated fat, which can cause inflammation. The condition is not so ideal for the health of female intimate organs. Like anything else, inflammation can alter the immune system's ability to fight infection. That is, the risk of contracting an infection in the vagina is also higher. Without realizing it, the health of female intimate organs and psychological conditions are interconnected with each other. Problems with mood will reduce libido which in the end can have an indirect impact on vaginal health. Know that all of these root problems can be solved by using getflowerpower products.
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